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marathon de New York

from New York

COMPLET ! Seules les personnes préinscrites peuvent choisir l’option de leur choix.

For the marathon de New-York 2025, le 2 novembre, soyez présents sur la ligne de départ pour cette 54ème édition. With a large number of participants, the marathon organizers have a crazy atmosphere in store for you. Nous espérons vous voir très vite courir le marathon de New York et profitez de celle belle aventure sportive. En réservant votre voyage avec nous, votre dossard pour le marathon de New-York est garanti. 

Comme chaque année, vous êtes nombreux à vouloir prendre part à cet évènement sportif unique. Notre programme et tarifs 2025 ne sont pas encore disponibles. Afin que vous puissiez protéger vos places, vous avez la possibilité de précommander pour 2025. Sous réserve que vous vous positionnez sur l’option de votre choix en janvier prochain après avoir précommandé et que vous respectiez les échéances qui en découleront, nous vous garantissons votre place et votre dossard si vous êtes coureur

Nous sommes malheuremsent complets. Si vous souhaitez être rajouté sur liste d’attente merci de nous envoyer un mail avec le nombre de coureurs et d’accompagnateurs que vous souhaitez être. Nous reviendrons vers vous si nous sommes en capacité de satisfaire votre demande.

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Marathon: 9:10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
5km: Saturday morning

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Time limits

Marathon: 8h30

Race registration formalities

  • Registration fee according to the prices shown below, including an official TCS New York City Marathon t-shirt and the superb medal

Marathon presentation

THE New York marathon is the test the most popular in the world in the discipline long distance running. With a number of participants exceeding 50,000, this megalopolis offers a unrivaled circuit, which allows it to be considered as the most beautiful marathon in the world. Being part of the Word Marathon Majors, it is one of the 6 long-distance races to complete to win the precious medal so coveted by marathon runners.

Avec ses animations inégalables dans les rues de la course et ses spectateurs, nombreux, vêtus de leur plus beau T-shirt, tout le monde s’affaire pour encourager les coureurs du TCS New York City Marathon ou plus communément appelé le New York Marathon. La ville en a fait un event unique. This is why we can say that New York knows how to welcome its athletes ! Between the parade of nations, the light show with fireworks open to all and the race of 5 km from Manhattan, This experience will delight both marathon runners and those accompanying them.

Let yourself be carried away by this festive atmosphere throughout the journey to help you achieve your American dream! The New York Road Runners (NYRR) organization offers you a departure on the Verrazzano Bridge and an finish line in the heart of Central Park. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to run in all 5 neighborhoods of the Big Apple. After the first kilometers spent on Staten Island, you will continue through Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx without forgetting Manhattan where the finish of the marathon is located. After running the 42.195 km, you will collect your medal. All you have to do is enjoy your victory and the wonders of the city. Share your success with New Yorkers. Don't hesitate to wear your medal after or the next day. You will be surprised to see how the city's inhabitants salute the performance of the runners.

Also, come and discover the economic capital of the USA! The magic will happen as soon as you leave the airport by discovering the skyline with its skyscrapers so imposing. All of which is enhanced by the lights of the night. Nicknamed the city that never sleeps, you will understand its meaning as you approach 5th avenue, Greenwich Village or even Times Square. In addition, you can appreciate it by taking one of the many bridges such as the Brooklyn Bridge which recalls the importance of the Atlantic Ocean in this port city. To continue, relax by watching one of the many Broadway musicals. Finally, you can still enjoy a bagel before taking the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Élis Island.

Therefore, do not delay any longer, bloquez votre participation au marathon de New York 2025 with Planet Tours! Our agency guarantees your bib to be collected at village marathon at the same time as the T-shirt Finisher! Rest on our team of passionate sportsmen to accompany you from Paris airport to your hotel. You will be able to make the most of their advice, whether on running or on discovering the city and its treasures.


Prices 2025

Useful information

    • During your stay with us, our guide will offer marathon runners who wish it, a group appointment, in order to get to themarathon expo.
    • On Saturday morning, you can take part in the NYRR Dash to the finish line 5K. This race takes place in downtown Manhattan and ends in Central Park. The opportunity to take the last little strides before going to the starting line the next day. If you wish to participate, please note that a supplement is requested by the organization. So thank you for tell us in your registration form to protect your place. The event fills up very quickly. We will do everything to satisfy everyone.
    • There is no Pasta Party proposed by the marathon organization. Note that you can nevertheless easily find pasta dishes closer to the hotel.
    • It is not no need to have a medical certificate. By registering, you acknowledge that your physical health allows you to participate in this great marathon.
    • Side supplies, the organization only provides liquid (water, energy drinks and gels for the last kms)
    • If you are accompanists and what you wish enjoy the journey, we advise you to go to the last few kilometers in Central Park. As you can see in our section on the circuit, the U starting around the 26th kilometer will allow you to walk to Firth Avenue while still having time to return to Central Park. If necessary, do not hesitate to ask our guide. There is a charge for access to the finish line stands. So find a location in the park, the route crosses it.
    • Whether you are a high-level athlete or a passionate running enthusiast, you will be one of the most 10,000 foreign athletes present that day. A truly international event where 125 countries are represented. The parade of nations broadcast across the country on screens attests to his celebrity. For you, you will be able to enjoy it directly in the streets of New York.
    • With more than 2 million spectators, you will literally be carried by all this excitement to the finish line. Some of them will even offer you some wild refuelings or improvised concerts.
    • This legendary marathon always falls on the first Sunday of November. Thus, depending on the calendar of the current year, traveling to New York will allow you to discover the city under the halloween colors. You will be surprised to see how New Yorkers play the game and parade through the streets with their best costume. Whether you are a runner or a guide, you will enjoy this unique experience.
    • You would like to go in a group with your athletic club or simply with friends, our packages can fully meet your needs within the limits of available places. Do not hesitate to contact us.
    • This marathon trip is one of our most requested events. Very often, we are fully booked months in advance, even before the release of our final program scheduled for January of the same year. Also, we invite you to pre-register to avoid any disappointment. This will guarantee your bibs to take part in the race contrary to the organizer's lottery.

Our hotels

hotel new york

Sheraton New York Times Square****

With the Sheraton Times Square, you can onlyappreciate its strategic location. Situé à côté du très célèbre Times Square, vous serez en right in the heart of Manhattan and its curiosities such as art galleries or Broadway theaters. Furthermore, its proximity to 3 metro stations will allow you to easily explore other areas of the city.

Qui plus est, ses 4 étoiles vous garantissent un confort appréciable pour profiter de votre séjour marathon. Les 15 to 20 minutes walk from the hotel to the marathon finish line vous permettront des déplacements plus faciles durant cette journée tant attendue.

Edition Times Square*****

Vous souhaitez davantage de confort ? Nous vous proposons l’hôtel Edtition. Avec ses 5 étoiles affichées en plein Times Square, vous pourrez monter en gamme pour rendre votre séjour plus agréable tout en profitant d’un emplacement tout aussi stratégique.

Par conséquence, Voyager avec Planet Tours, c’est profiter du confort proposé ! Alors, consultez nos tarifs.

hotel edition new york marathon

The hotels have a concierge service, a restaurant, a fitness room, etc.

Participants' opinions

The marathon in pictures

Did you know ?


Reservations are not open for this event.

A noter que seuls les préinscriptions pourront sécuriser leur place. Il est important de renseigner un formulaire par participant (coureur comme accompagnateur) avant de valider et régler la commande). Si le système ne vous proposer pas par défaut la page de paiement, nous vous invitons à retourner sur votre compte, dans Vos commandes, et cliquer sur PAyer au niveau de la commande concernée.